Are Zero VOC Paints The Best Paint Option For Your Health?
To understand what zero VOC paints are you must first understand what ordinary paints are composed of. In your standard paint, there are chemicals referred to as volatile organic compounds. Until a recent government regulation of these chemicals, they were the standard for use in paints for the simple fact they make the paint perform better. Now that regulations are in place and the demand for greener, less toxic paints is high, companies are starting to manufacture paints that are without these chemicals. We also have an in-depth article which discusses fast toxins and odor removal from paints if you end up with an option other than a zero VOC paint. Benefits Of Zero VOC Paints There are pros and cons to zero VOC paints versus paints with VOC’s. More notably, zero VOC paints do not release chemicals or toxic gasses into the surrounding area and they do not leave a lingering wet-paint stench. This is a benefit for those who are overly sensitive to chemicals but it’s also genera...
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